Source code for neomaril_codex.pipeline

import os
import yaml
import json
from loguru import logger
from typing import Optional
from datetime import datetime

from neomaril_codex.exceptions import *
from import *
from neomaril_codex.model import *

[docs]class NeomarilPipeline(BaseNeomaril): """ Class to construct and orchestrates the flow data of the models inside Neomaril. Atributtes ---------- login : str Login for authenticating with the client. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_USER to set this password : str Password for authenticating with the client. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_PASSWORD to set this group : str Group the model is inserted url : str URL to Neomaril Server. Default value is, use it to test your deployment first before changing to production. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_URL to set this python_version : str Python version for the model environment. Avaliable versions are 3.8, 3.9, 3.10. Defaults to '3.9' Example -------- .. code-block:: python from neomaril_codex.pipeline import NeomarilPipeline pipeline = NeomarilPipeline.from_config_file('./samples/pipeline.yml') pipeline.register_monitoring_config(directory = "./samples/monitoring", preprocess = "", preprocess_function = "score", shap_function = "score", config = "configuration.json", packages = "requirements.txt") pipeline.start() pipeline.run_monitoring('2', 'Mb29d61da4324a39a8bc2e0946f213b4959643916d354bf39940de2124f1e9d8') """ def __init__(self, *, group:str, login:Optional[str]=None, password:Optional[str]=None, url:str='', python_version:float=3.9) -> None: super().__init__(login=login, password=password, url=url) = group self.python_version = python_version self.train_config = None self.deploy_config = None self.monitoring_config = None
[docs] def register_train_config(self, **kwargs)-> dict: """ Set the files for configure the training Parameters ---------- kwargs : list or dict List or dictionary with the necessary files for training """ self.train_config = kwargs
[docs] def register_deploy_config(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Set the files for configure the deploy Parameters ---------- kwargs : list or dict List or dictionary with the necessary files for deploy """ self.deploy_config = kwargs
[docs] def register_monitoring_config(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Set the files for configure the monitoring Parameters ---------- kwargs : list or dict List or dictionary with the necessary files for monitoring Example ------- >>> pipeline.register_monitoring_config(directory = "./samples/monitoring", preprocess = "", preprocess_function = "score", shap_function = "score", config = "configuration.json", packages = "requirements.txt") """ self.monitoring_config = kwargs
[docs] @staticmethod def from_config_file(path): """ Load the configuration files for orchestrate the model Parameters ---------- path : str Path of the configuration file, but it could be a dict Raises ------ PipelineError Undefined credentials Returns ------- NeomarilPipeline The new pipeline Example -------- >>> pipeline = NeomarilPipeline.from_config_file('./samples/pipeline-just-model.yml') >>> pipeline.register_monitoring_config(directory = "./samples/monitoring", preprocess = "", preprocess_function = "score", shap_function = "score", config = "configuration.json", packages = "requirements.txt") >>> pipeline.start() """ with open(path, 'rb') as stream: try: conf=yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) load_dotenv()'Loading .env') login = os.getenv("NEOMARIL_USER") if not login: raise PipelineError("When using a config file the environment variable NEOMARIL_USER must be defined") password = os.getenv("NEOMARIL_PASSWORD") if not password: raise PipelineError("When using a config file the environment variable NEOMARIL_PASSWORD must be defined") url = os.getenv('NEOMARIL_URL', conf.get('url')) pipeline = NeomarilPipeline( group=conf['group'], login=login, password=password, url=url, python_version=conf['python_version'] ) if 'training' in conf.keys(): pipeline.register_train_config(**conf['training']) if 'deploy' in conf.keys(): pipeline.register_deploy_config(**conf['deploy']) if 'monitoring' in conf.keys(): pipeline.register_monitoring_config(**conf['monitoring']) return pipeline
[docs] def run_training(self) -> tuple[str, str]: """ Run the training process Raises ------ TrainingError Training has failed Returns ------- tuple[str, str] A tuple with the 'training_id' and the 'exec_id' Example ------- >>> pipeline.run_training() """'Running training') client = NeomarilTrainingClient(login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1], url=self.base_url) client.create_group(, conf = self.train_config training = client.create_training_experiment( experiment_name=conf['experiment_name'], model_type=conf['model_type'], ) PATH = conf['directory'] run_name = conf.get('run_name', 'Pipeline run '+str( extra_files = conf.get('extra') if conf['training_type'] == 'Custom': run = training.run_training( run_name=run_name, training_type=os.path.join(PATH, conf['data']), source_file=os.path.join(PATH, conf['source']), requirements_file=os.path.join(PATH, conf['packages']), training_reference=conf['train_function'], extra_files=[os.path.join(PATH,e) for e in extra_files] if extra_files else None, python_version=str(self.python_version), wait_complete=True ) elif conf['training_type'] == 'AutoML': run = training.run_training( run_name=run_name, training_type=os.path.join(PATH, conf['data']), conf_dict=os.path.join(PATH, conf['config']), wait_complete=True ) status = run.get_status() if status['Status'] == "Succeeded":'Model training finished') return training.training_id, run.exec_id else: raise TrainingError('Training failed: '+status['Message'])
[docs] def run_deploy(self, training_id:Optional[str]=None) -> str: """ Run the deploy process Arguments ---------- training_id : str, optional The id for the training process that you want to deploy now Raises ------ ModelError Deploy has failed Returns ------- str The new Model id (hash) Example ------- >>> pipeline.run_deploy('Mb29d61da4324a39a8bc2e0946f213b4959643916d354bf39940de2124f1e9d8') """ conf = self.deploy_config PATH = conf['directory'] extra_files = conf.get('extra') if training_id:'Deploying scorer from training') training_run = NeomarilTrainingExecution( training_id=training_id[0],, exec_id=training_id[1], login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1], url=self.base_url, ) model_name = conf.get('name', training_run.execution_data.get('ExperimentName', '')) if training_run.execution_data['TrainingType'] == 'Custom': model = training_run.promote_model( model_name=model_name, model_reference=conf['score_function'], source_file=os.path.join(PATH, conf['source']), extra_files=[os.path.join(PATH,e) for e in extra_files] if extra_files else None, env=os.path.join(PATH, conf['env']) if conf.get('env') else None, schema=os.path.join(PATH, conf['schema']) if conf.get('schema') else None, operation=conf['operation'] ) elif training_run.execution_data['TrainingType'] == 'AutoML': model = training_run.promote_model(model_name=model_name, operation=conf['operation']) else:'Deploying scorer') client = NeomarilModelClient( login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1], url=self.base_url, ) client.create_group(, model = client.create_model( model_name=conf.get('name'), model_reference=conf['score_function'], source_file=os.path.join(PATH, conf['source']), model_file=os.path.join(PATH, conf['model']), requirements_file=os.path.join(PATH, conf['packages']), extra_files=[os.path.join(PATH,e) for e in extra_files] if extra_files else None, env=os.path.join(PATH, conf['env']) if conf.get('env') else None, schema=os.path.join(PATH, conf['schema']) if conf.get('schema') else None, operation=conf['operation'], input_type=conf['input_type'], ) while model.status == 'Building': model.wait_ready() if model.status == 'Deployed':'Model deployement finished') return model.model_id else: raise ModelError("Model deployement failed: "+ model.get_logs(routine='Host')[0])
[docs] def run_monitoring(self, *, training_exec_id:Optional[str]=None, model_id:Optional[str]=None): """ Run the monitoring process Arguments ---------- training_exec_id : str, optional The id for the training execution process that you want to monitore now model_id : str, optional Example ------- >>> pipeline.run_monitoring('2', 'Mb29d61da4324a39a8bc2e0946f213b4959643916d354bf39940de2124f1e9d8') """'Configuring monitoring') conf = self.monitoring_config PATH = conf['directory'] if training_exec_id: with open(os.path.join(PATH, conf['config']), 'r+') as f: conf_dict = json.load(f) conf_dict['TrainData']['NeomarilTrainingExecution'] = training_exec_id json.dump(conf_dict, f) f.truncate() model = NeomarilModel( model_id=model_id, login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1],, group_token=os.getenv('NEOMARIL_GROUP_TOKEN'), url=self.base_url, ) model.register_monitoring( preprocess_reference=conf['preprocess_function'], shap_reference=conf['shap_function'], configuration_file=os.path.join(PATH, conf['config']), preprocess_file=os.path.join(PATH, conf['preprocess']), requirements_file=(os.path.join(PATH, conf['packages']) if conf.get('packages') else None) )
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the pipeline for the model orchestration Raises ------ PipelineError Cannot start pipeline without configuration Example ------- >>> pipeline = NeomarilPipeline.from_config_file('./samples/pipeline.yml').start() """ if (not self.train_config) and (not self.deploy_config) and (not self.monitoring_config): raise PipelineError("Cannot start pipeline without configuration") if self.train_config: training_id = self.run_training() else: training_id = None if self.deploy_config: model_id = self.run_deploy(training_id=training_id) else: model_id = None if self.monitoring_config: self.run_monitoring(training_exec_id=(training_id[1] if training_id else None), model_id=model_id)