Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

import os
import re
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from lazy_imports import try_import

from neomaril_codex.__utils import *
from neomaril_codex.base import *
from neomaril_codex.datasources import NeomarilDataset
from neomaril_codex.exceptions import *
from neomaril_codex.model import NeomarilModel

patt = re.compile(r"(\d+)")

class NeomarilTrainingLogger:
    """A class for logging Neomaril training runs.


    .. code-block:: python
        with training.log_train('Teste 1', X, y) as logger:
  , y)

            params = pipe.get_params()

            model_output = pd.DataFrame({"pred": pipe.predict(X), "proba": pipe.predict_proba(X)[:,1]})

            auc = cross_val_score(pipe, X, y, cv=5, scoring="roc_auc")
            f_score = cross_val_score(pipe, X, y, cv=5, scoring="f1")
            logger.save_metric(name='auc', value=auc.mean())
            logger.save_metric(name='f1_score', value=f_score.mean())


    def __init__(
        name: str,
        X_train: pd.DataFrame,
        y_train: pd.DataFrame,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        save_path: Optional[str] = None,
        Initialize a new NeomarilTrainingLogger.

            name: The name of the training run.
            X_train: The training data.
            y_train: The training labels.
        """ = name
        self.X_train = X_train
        self.y_train = y_train
        self.description = description
        self.model_outputs = None
        self.model = None
        self.metrics = {}
        self.params = {}
        self.requirements = None
        self.python_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}"
        self.extras = []

        if not save_path:
            dir_name =" ", "_")
            if not os.path.exists(f"./{dir_name}"):
            self.save_path = f"./{dir_name}"

    def save_model(self, model):
        Save the trained model to the logger.

            model: The trained model.
        self.model = model

    def save_metric(self, *, name, value):
        Save a metric to the logger.

            name: The name of the metric.
            value: The value of the metric.
        self.metrics[name] = value

    def save_model_output(self, model_output):
        Save the model output to the logger.

            model_output: The output of the trained model.
        self.model_outputs = model_output

    def set_python_version(self, version: str):
        Set the Python version used to train the model.

            version: The Python version.
        self.python_version = version

    def set_requirements(self, requirements: str):
        Set the project requirements.

            requirements: The path of project requirements.
        self.requirements = requirements

    def save_plot(self, *, plot: object, save_filename: str):
        Save plot graphic image to the logger.

            plot: A Matplotlib/Plotly/Seaborn graphic object.
            save_filename: A name to save the plot.
        filepath = f"./{save_filename}.png"

        with try_import() as plotly_import:
            import plotly

            if isinstance(plot, plotly.graph_objs.Figure):
                self.save_plotly_plot(plot=plot, filepath=filepath)

        with try_import() as seaborn_import:
            import seaborn as sns

            if isinstance(plot, sns.axisgrid.FacetGrid):
                self.save_seaborn_or_matplotlib_plot(plot=plot, filepath=filepath)

        with try_import() as matplotlib_import:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            if isinstance(plot, plt.Figure):
                self.save_seaborn_or_matplotlib_plot(plot=plot, filepath=filepath)

        raise ValueError("The plot only accepts plots of Matplotlib/Plotly/Seaborn")

    def save_plotly_plot(self, *, plot, filepath):
        image_data = plot.to_image()
        with open(filepath, "wb") as f:

    def save_seaborn_or_matplotlib_plot(self, *, plot, filepath):

    def set_extra(self, extra: list):
        Set the extra files list.

            extra: A list of paths of the extra file.
        self.extras = extra

    def add_extra(self, *, extra: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], filename: str = None):
        Add an extra file in the extra file list.

            extra: A path of an extra file or a list to include in extra file list.
            filename: A filename if the extra it's a DataFrame.
        if isinstance(extra, str):
            if os.path.exists(extra):
                raise FileNotFoundError("Extra file path not found!")
        elif isinstance(extra, pd.DataFrame):
            if filename:
                    self.__to_parquet(output_filename=filename, input_data=extra)
                raise InputError("Needs a filename to save the dataframe parquet.")

    def add_requirements(self, filename: str):
        Add requirements file.

            filename: The name of output filename to save.
        self.requirements = filename

    def __to_parquet(self, *, output_filename: str, input_data: pd.DataFrame):
        Transform dataframe to parquet.

            output_filename: The name of output filename to save.
            input_data: A pandas dataframe to save.
        path = os.path.join(self.save_path, f"{output_filename}.parquet")
        return path

    def __to_json(self, output_filename: str, input_data: dict):
        Transform dict to json.

            output_filename: The name of output filename to save.
            input_data: A dictionary to save.
        path = os.path.join(self.save_path, f"{output_filename}.json")
        with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            json.dump(input_data, f)
        return path

    def __to_pickle(self, *, output_filename: str, input_data):
        Transform content to pickle.

            output_filename: The name of output filename to save.
            input_data: The content to save.
        path = os.path.join(self.save_path, f"{output_filename}.pkl")
        with open(path, "wb") as f:
            cloudpickle.dump(input_data, f)
        return path

    def _set_params(self):
        missing = self.X_train.isna().sum()
        missing_dict = {
            k + "_missings": v
            for k, v in missing[missing > 0].describe().to_dict().items()
            if k != "count"

        params = {
            "shape": self.X_train.shape,
            "cols_with_missing": len(missing[missing > 0]),
            "missing_distribution": missing_dict,

            params["pipeline_steps"] = list(self.model.named_steps.keys())
            params["pipeline_steps"] = [
                str(self.model.__class__).replace("<class '", "").replace("'>", "")

        if "get_all_params" in dir(self.model):
            hyperparameters = {
                f"hyperparam_{k}": str(v)
                for k, v in self.model.get_all_params().items()
                if k != "task_type"
        elif "get_params" in dir(self.model):
            hyperparameters = {
                "hyperparam_" + k: str(v)
                for k, v in self.model.get_params().items()
                if k not in params["pipeline_steps"] + ["steps", "memory", "verbose"]

            params = {**params, **hyperparameters}

        if len(self.y_train.value_counts()) < 10:
            target_proportion = self.y_train.value_counts() / len(self.y_train)
            target_proportion = target_proportion.to_dict()
            target_proportion = [
                {"target": k, "proportion": v} for k, v in target_proportion.items()
            params["target_proportion"] = target_proportion
            params["target_distribution"] = {
                k: v
                for k, v in self.y_train.describe().to_dict().items()
                if k != "count"

        self.params = {**params, **self.params}

    def _parse_data_objects(obj: Any) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Tranform data types to dataframe

        if isinstance(obj, pd.Series):
            return obj.to_frame()
        elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            array_df = pd.DataFrame(obj)
            array_df.columns = [str(c) for c in array_df.columns]
            return array_df
        elif isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame):
            return obj

    def _processing_logging_inputs(self):
        Processing of everything that be logged.

        self.params = self.__to_json("params", self.params)

        self.X_train = self.__to_parquet(

        self.y_train = self.__to_parquet(
            output_filename="target", input_data=self._parse_data_objects(self.y_train)

        self.model_outputs = self.__to_parquet(

        if self.model:
            self.model = self.__to_pickle(
                output_filename="model", input_data=self.model

        if self.metrics:
            self.metrics = self.__to_json("metrics", self.metrics)

[docs]class NeomarilTrainingExecution(NeomarilExecution): """ Class to manage trained models. Attributes ---------- training_id : str Training id (hash) from the experiment you want to access group : str Group the training is inserted. Default is 'datarisk' (public group) exec_id : str Executiong id for that especific training run login : str Login for authenticating with the client. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_USER to set this password : str Password for authenticating with the client. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_PASSWORD to set this environment : str Enviroment of Neomaril you are using. run_data : dict Metadata from the execution. Raises ------ TrainingError When the training can't be acessed in the server AuthenticationError Unvalid credentials Example ------- .. code-block:: python from import NeomarilTrainingClient from neomaril_codex.base import NeomarilExecution client = NeomarilTrainingClient('123456') client.create_group('ex_group', 'Group for example purpose') training = client.create_training_experiment('Training example', 'Classification', 'ex_group') print(client.get_training(training.training_id, 'ex_group').training_data) data_path = './samples/train/' run = training.run_training('First test', data_path+'dados.csv', training_reference='train_model', training_type='Custom', python_version='3.9', requirements_file=data_path+'requirements.txt', wait_complete=True) print(run.get_training_execution(run.exec_id)) print(run.download_result()) run.promote_model('Teste notebook promoted custom', 'score', data_path+'', data_path+'schema.json', 'csv') """ def __init__( self, *, training_id: str, group: str, exec_id: str, login: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, url: str = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( parent_id=training_id, exec_type="Training", exec_id=exec_id, login=login, password=password, url=url, group=group, ) self.training_id = training_id = group self.training_type = self.execution_data["TrainingType"] = self.execution_data["RunName"] self.run_data = self.execution_data["RunData"] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"""Neomaril{self.exec_type}Execution(name="{}", exec_id="{self.exec_id}", status="{self.status}")""" def __upload_model( self, *, model_name: str, model_reference: Optional[str] = None, source_file: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, extra_files: Optional[list] = None, env: Optional[str] = None, requirements_file: Optional[str] = None, operation: str = "Sync", input_type: str = None, ) -> str: """ Upload the files to the server Arguments --------- model_name : str The name of the model, in less than 32 characters model_reference : str, optional The name of the scoring function inside the source file source_file : str, optional Path of the source file. The file must have a scoring function that accepts two parameters: data (data for the request body of the model) and model_path (absolute path of where the file is located) schema : Union[str, dict], optional Path to a JSON or XML file with a sample of the input for the entrypoint function. A dict with the sample input can be send as well extra_files list, optional A optional list with additional files paths that should be uploaded. If the scoring function refer to this file they will be on the same folder as the source file requirements_file : str, optional Path of the requirements file. This will override the requirements used in trainning. The packages versions must be fixed eg: pandas==1.0 env : str, optional Flag that choose which environment (dev, staging, production) of Neomaril you are using. Default is None operation : str Defines wich kind operation is beeing executed (Sync or Async). Default value is Sync input_type : str The type of the input file that should be 'json', 'csv' or 'parquet' Raises ------ InputError Some input parameters its invalid Returns ------- str The new model id (hash) """ url = f"{self.base_url}/training/promote/{}/{self.training_id}/{self.exec_id}" form_data = {"name": model_name, "operation": operation, "schema": schema} upload_data = [] if self.training_type != "AutoML": form_data["model_reference"] = model_reference upload_data = [("source", ("", open(source_file, "rb")))] if env: upload_data.append(("env", (".env", open(env, "rb")))) if requirements_file: upload_data.append( ( "requirements", ("requirements.txt", open(requirements_file, "rb")), ) ) if extra_files: extra_data = [ ("extra", (c.split("/")[-1], open(c, "rb"))) for c in extra_files ] upload_data += extra_data else: input_type = "AutoML" schema_extesion = ".json" input_type = "json" if operation == "Async": schema_extesion = schema.split(".")[-1] if input_type == "json|csv|parquet": raise InputError("Choose a input type from " + input_type) upload_data += [ ("schema", ("schema." + schema_extesion, parse_dict_or_file(schema))) ] form_data["input_type"] = input_type response = url, data=form_data, files=upload_data, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) if response.status_code == 201: data = response.json() model_id = data["ModelHash"]'{data["Message"]} - Hash: "{model_id}"') return model_id else: logger.error(f"Upload error: {response.text}") raise InputError("Invalid parameters for model creation")
[docs] def get_status(self) -> dict: """ Gets the status of the related execution. Raises ------ ExecutionError Execution unavailable Returns ------- dict Returns the execution status. """ url = f"{self.base_url}/training/status/{}/{self.exec_id}" response = requests.get( url, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) if response.status_code not in [200, 410]: logger.error(response.text) raise ExecutionError(f'Execution "{self.exec_id}" unavailable') result = response.json() self.status = result["Status"] self.execution_data["ExecutionState"] = result["Status"] if self.status == "Succeeded": url = f"{self.base_url}/training/describe/{}/{self.training_id}/{self.exec_id}" response = requests.get( url, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) self.execution_data = response.json()["Description"] self.run_data = self.execution_data["RunData"] try: del self.run_data["tags"] except: pass return result
def __host_model(self, *, operation: str, model_id: str) -> None: """ Builds the model execution environment Arguments ---------- operation : str The model operation type (Sync or Async) model_id : str The uploaded model id (hash) Raises ------ InputError Some input parameters its invalid """ url = f"{self.base_url}/model/{operation}/host/{}/{model_id}" if operation == "sync": url = url.replace("7070", "7071") response = requests.get( url, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) if response.status_code == 202:"Model host in process - Hash: {model_id}") elif response.status_code == 401: logger.error(response.text) raise AuthenticationError("Login not authorized") elif response.status_code >= 500: logger.error(response.text) raise ServerError("Server Error") else: logger.error(response.text) raise InputError("Invalid parameters for model creation")
[docs] def promote_model( self, *, model_name: str, operation: str = "Sync", schema: Union[str, dict], model_reference: Optional[str] = None, source_file: Optional[str] = None, extra_files: Optional[list] = None, requirements_file: Optional[str] = None, env: Optional[str] = None, input_type: str = None, ) -> NeomarilModel: """ Upload models trained inside Neomaril. Arguments --------- model_name : str The name of the model, in less than 32 characters model_reference : str, optional The name of the scoring function inside the source file source_file : str, optional Path of the source file. The file must have a scoring function that accepts two parameters: data (data for the request body of the model) and model_path (absolute path of where the file is located) schema : Union[str, dict], optional Path to a JSON or XML file with a sample of the input for the entrypoint function. A dict with the sample input can be send as well extra_files: list, optional A optional list with additional files paths that should be uploaded. If the scoring function refer to this file they will be on the same folder as the source file requirements_file : str, optional Path of the requirements file. This will override the requirements used in trainning. The packages versions must be fixed eg: pandas==1.0 env : str, optional Flag that choose which environment (dev, staging, production) of Neomaril you are using. Default is True operation : str Defines wich kind operation is beeing executed (Sync or Async). Default value is Sync input_type : str The type of the input file that should be 'json', 'csv' or 'parquet' Raises ------ TrainingError The training execution shouldn't be succeeded to be promoted Returns ------- NeomarilModel The new training model Example ------- >>> training = run.promote_model('Teste notebook promoted custom', 'score', './samples/train/', './samples/train/schema.json', 'csv') """ if self.training_type == "Custom" or self.training_type == "External": input_validator = ( model_name and operation and model_reference and source_file and schema ) fields_required = ( "model_name, operation, model_reference, source_file, schema" ) elif self.training_type == "AutoML": input_validator = model_name and operation fields_required = "model_name, operation" else: input_validator = False raise InputError("Training type needs be: Custom, AutoML or External.") if operation and operation == "Async": fields_required += ", input_type (for async)" if not input_validator: raise InputError( f"The parameters {fields_required} it's mandatory on {self.training_type} promote." ) if self.status in ["Running", "Requested"]: self.status = self.get_status()["Status"] if self.status != "Succeeded": raise TrainingError( "Training execution must be Succeeded to be promoted, current status is " + self.status ) model_id = self.__upload_model( model_name=model_name, model_reference=model_reference, source_file=source_file, env=env, requirements_file=requirements_file, schema=schema, extra_files=extra_files, operation=operation, input_type=input_type, ) if model_id: self.__host_model(operation=operation.lower(), model_id=model_id) return NeomarilModel( model_id=model_id, login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1],, url=self.base_url, )
[docs]class NeomarilTrainingExperiment(BaseNeomaril): """ Class to manage models being trained inside Neomaril Attributes ---------- login : str Login for authenticating with the client. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_USER to set this password : str Password for authenticating with the client. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_PASSWORD to set this training_id : str Training id (hash) from the experiment you want to access group : str Group the training is inserted. Default is 'datarisk' (public group) environment : str Flag that choose which environment of Neomaril you are using. Test your deployment first before changing to production. Default is True executions : List[int] Ids for the executions in that training Raises ------ TrainingError When the training can't be acessed in the server AuthenticationError Unvalid credentials Example ------- .. code-block:: python from import NeomarilTrainingClient from neomaril_codex.base import NeomarilExecution client = NeomarilTrainingClient('123456') client.create_group('ex_group', 'Group for example purpose') training = client.create_training_experiment('Training example', 'Classification', 'ex_group') print(client.get_training(training.training_id, 'ex_group').training_data) data_path = './samples/train/' run = run = training.run_training('First test', data_path+'dados.csv', training_reference='train_model', training_type='Custom', python_version='3.9', requirements_file=data_path+'requirements.txt', wait_complete=True) print(run.get_training_execution(run.exec_id)) print(run.download_result()) """ def __init__( self, *, training_id: str, login: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, group: str = "datarisk", url: str = "", ) -> None: super().__init__(login=login, password=password, url=url) self.training_id = training_id = group url = f"{self.base_url}/training/describe/{}/{self.training_id}" response = requests.get( url, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ModelError(f'Experiment "{training_id}" not found.') elif response.status_code == 401: logger.error(response.text) raise AuthenticationError("Login not authorized") elif response.status_code >= 500: logger.error(response.text) raise ServerError(f'Unable to retrive experiment "{training_id}"') self.training_data = response.json()["Description"] self.model_type = self.training_data["ModelType"] self.experiment_name = self.training_data["ExperimentName"] self.executions = self.training_data["Executions"] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"""NeomarilTrainingExperiment(name="{self.experiment_name}", group="{}", training_id="{self.training_id}", model_type={str(self.model_type)} )""" def __str__(self): return f'NEOMARIL training experiment "{self.experiment_name} (Group: {}, Id: {self.training_id})"' def __upload_training( self, *, run_name: str, training_type: str = "External", description: Optional[str] = None, train_data: Optional[str] = None, dataset: Union[str, NeomarilDataset] = None, training_reference: Optional[str] = None, python_version: str = "3.8", conf_dict: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, source_file: Optional[str] = None, requirements_file: Optional[str] = None, env: Optional[str] = None, X_train=None, y_train=None, model_outputs=None, model_file: Optional[str] = None, model_metrics: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, model_params: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, model_hash: Optional[str] = None, extra_files: Optional[list] = None, ) -> str: """ Upload the files to the server Arguments --------- run_name : str The name of the model, in less than 32 characters train_data : str Path of the file with train data training_type : str Can be Custom, AutoML or External description : str, optional Description of the experiment training_reference : str, optional The name of the training function inside the source file. Just used when training_type is Custom python_version : str Python version for the model environment. Avaliable versions are 3.8, 3.9, 3.10. Defaults to '3.8'. Just used when training_type is Custom conf_dict : Union[str, dict], optional Path to a JSON file with a the AutoML configuration. A dict can be send as well. Just used when training_type is AutoML source_file : str, optional Path of the source file. The file must have a training function that accepts one parameter: model_path (absolute path of where the file is located). Just used when training_type is Custom requirements_file : str, optional Path of the requirements file. The packages versions must be fixed eg: pandas==1.0. Just used when training_type is Custom env : str, optional .env file to be used in your training enviroment. This will be encrypted in the server. extra_files : list, optional A optional list with additional files paths that should be uploaded. If the scoring function refer to this file they will be on the same folder as the source file. Just used when training_type is Custom X_train: pd.DataFrame, optional The training data. y_train : pd.Series, optional The training labels. model_outputs : pd.DataFrame, optional The model outputs. model_file : str, optional The path to the trained model file. model_metrics : Union[str, dict], optional The path to a JSON file with the model metrics or a dictionary with the metrics. model_params : Union[str, dict], optional The path to a JSON file with the model parameters or a dictionary with the parameters. Raises ------ InputError Some input parameters its invalid Returns ------- str The new model id (hash) """ url = f"{self.base_url}/training/upload/{}/{self.training_id}" upload_data = [] form_data = {"run_name": run_name, "training_type": training_type} if description: form_data["description"] = description if training_type != "External": if train_data: upload_data.append( ("train_data", (train_data.split("/")[-1], open(train_data, "rb"))) ) elif dataset: dataset_hash = ( dataset if isinstance(dataset, str) else dataset.dataset_hash ) form_data["dataset_hash"] = dataset_hash if training_type == "Custom": file_extesions = {"py": "", "ipynb": "notebook.ipynb"} upload_data = upload_data + [ ( "source", ( file_extesions[source_file.split(".")[-1]], open(source_file, "rb"), ), ), ("requirements", ("requirements.txt", open(requirements_file, "rb"))), ] if env: upload_data.append(("env", (".env", open(env, "r")))) if extra_files: extra_data = [ ("extra", (c.split("/")[-1], open(c, "rb"))) for c in extra_files ] upload_data += extra_data form_data["training_reference"] = (training_reference,) form_data["python_version"] = "Python" + python_version.replace(".", "") elif training_type == "AutoML": if conf_dict: upload_data.append( ("conf_dict", ("conf.json", parse_dict_or_file(conf_dict))) ) else: raise InputError("conf_dict is mandatory for AutoML training") elif training_type == "External": upload_data = [] if model_hash: form_data["model_hash"] = model_hash if X_train: print(f"X_train:{X_train}") upload_data += [("features", ("features.parquet", open(X_train, "rb")))] if y_train: print(f"y_train:{y_train}") upload_data += [("target", ("target.parquet", open(y_train, "rb")))] if model_outputs: print(f"model_outputs:{model_outputs}") upload_data += [ ("output", ("predictions.parquet", open(model_outputs, "rb"))), ] if model_file: print(f"model_file:{model_file}") upload_data += [("model", open(model_file, "rb"))] if model_params: print(f"model_params:{model_params}") upload_data += [("parameters", open(model_params, "rb"))] if model_metrics: print(f"model_metrics:{model_metrics}") upload_data += [("metrics", open(model_metrics, "rb"))] if requirements_file: upload_data += [("requirements", open(requirements_file, "rb"))] if extra_files: extra_data = [("extra", open(path, "rb")) for path in extra_files] upload_data += extra_data if python_version: form_data["python_version"] = "Python" + python_version.replace(".", "") if env: upload_data.append(("env", (".env", open(env, "r")))) token = refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) response = url, data=form_data, files=upload_data, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) message = response.text if response.status_code == 201: return, message).group(1) elif response.status_code == 401: logger.error(response.text) raise AuthenticationError("Login not authorized") elif response.status_code >= 500: logger.error(response.text) raise ServerError("Server Error") else: logger.error(message) raise InputError("Bad input for training upload") def __execute_training(self, exec_id: str) -> None: """ Builds the model execution environment Arguments --------- exec_id : str The uploaded training execution id (hash) Raises ------ InputError Some input parameters its invalid """ url = f"{self.base_url}/training/execute/{}/{self.training_id}/{exec_id}" response = requests.get( url, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) if response.status_code == 200:"Model training starting - Hash: {self.training_id}") elif response.status_code == 401: logger.error(response.text) raise AuthenticationError("Login not authorized") elif response.status_code >= 500: logger.error(response.text) raise ServerError("Server Error") else: logger.error(response.text) raise InputError("Invalid parameters for training execution") def __refresh_execution_list(self): url = f"{self.base_url}/training/describe/{}/{self.training_id}" response = requests.get( url, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ModelError(f'Experiment "{self.training_id}" not found.') elif response.status_code == 401: logger.error(response.text) raise AuthenticationError("Login not authorized") elif response.status_code >= 500: logger.error(response.text) raise ServerError(f'Unable to retrive experiment "{self.training_id}"') self.training_data = response.json()["Description"] self.executions = [c["Id"] for c in self.training_data["Executions"]]
[docs] def run_training( self, *, run_name: str, training_type: str = "External", description: Optional[str] = None, train_data: Optional[str] = None, dataset: Union[str, NeomarilDataset] = None, training_reference: Optional[str] = None, python_version: str = "3.8", conf_dict: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, source_file: Optional[str] = None, requirements_file: Optional[str] = None, extra_files: Optional[list] = None, env: Optional[str] = None, X_train=None, y_train=None, model_outputs=None, model_file: Optional[str] = None, model_metrics: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, model_params: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, model_hash: Optional[str] = None, wait_complete: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Union[dict, NeomarilExecution]: """ Runs a prediction from the current model. Arguments --------- run_name : str The name of the model, in less than 32 characters train_data : str Path of the file with train data. training_reference : str, optional The name of the training function inside the source file. Just used when training_type is Custom training_type : str Can be Custom, AutoML or External description : str, optional Description of the experiment python_version : str, optional Python version for the model environment. Avaliable versions are 3.8, 3.9, 3.10. Defaults to '3.8'. Just used when training_type is Custom conf_dict : Union[str, dict] Path to a JSON file with a the AutoML configuration. A dict can be send as well. Just used when training_type is AutoML source_file : str, optional Path of the source file. The file must have a training function that accepts one parameter: model_path (absolute path of where the file is located). Just used when training_type is Custom requirements_file : str Path of the requirements file. The packages versions must be fixed eg: pandas==1.0. Just used when training_type is Custom env : str, optional .env file to be used in your training enviroment. This will be encrypted in the server. extra_files : list, optional A optional list with additional files paths that should be uploaded. If the scoring function refer to this file they will be on the same folder as the source file. Just used when training_type is Custom wait_complete : bool, optional Boolean that informs if a model training is completed (True) or not (False). Default value is False Raises ------ InputError Some input parameters its invalid Returns ------- Union[dict, NeomarilExecution] The return of the scoring function in the source file for Sync models or the execution class for Async models. Example ------- >>> execution = run = training.run_training('First test', data_path+'dados.csv', training_reference='train_model', python_version='3.9', requirements_file=data_path+'requirements.txt', wait_complete=True) """ if training_type == "Custom": input_validator = ( train_data and (dataset or train_data) and source_file and requirements_file and run_name and training_reference and python_version ) fields_required = "train_data, dataset or train_data, source_file, requirements_file, run_name, training_reference, python_version" elif training_type == "AutoML": input_validator = ( train_data and (dataset or train_data) and conf_dict and run_name and python_version ) fields_required = ( "train_data, dataset or train_data, conf_dict, run_name, python_version" ) elif training_type == "External": input_validator = run_name and python_version and X_train and y_train fields_required = "run_name, python_version, X_train, y_train" else: input_validator = False raise InputError("Training type needs be: Custom, AutoML or External.") if not input_validator: raise InputError( f"The parameters {fields_required} it's mandatory on {training_type} training." ) if training_type != "External" and not (train_data or dataset): raise InputError( "Invalid data input. Run training requires a train_data or dataset" ) if python_version not in ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10"]: raise InputError( "Invalid python version. Avaliable versions are 3.8, 3.9, 3.10" ) if training_type not in ["Custom", "AutoML", "External"]: raise InputError( f"Invalid training_type {training_type}. Should be one of the following: Custom, AutoML or External" ) if training_type == "Custom": exec_id = self.__upload_training( run_name=run_name, training_type=training_type, description=description, train_data=train_data, dataset=dataset, training_reference=training_reference, python_version=python_version, source_file=source_file, env=env, requirements_file=requirements_file, extra_files=extra_files, ) elif training_type == "AutoML": exec_id = self.__upload_training( run_name=run_name, training_type=training_type, description=description, train_data=train_data, dataset=dataset, conf_dict=conf_dict, ) elif training_type == "External": exec_id = self.__upload_training( run_name=run_name, training_type=training_type, description=description, python_version=python_version, requirements_file=requirements_file, extra_files=extra_files, X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, model_outputs=model_outputs, model_file=model_file, model_metrics=model_metrics, model_params=model_params, model_hash=model_hash, ) else: raise InputError("Invalid training type") if exec_id: self.__execute_training(exec_id) self.__refresh_execution_list() run = NeomarilTrainingExecution( training_id=self.training_id,, exec_id=exec_id, login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1], url=self.base_url, ) response = run.get_status() status = response["Status"] if wait_complete: print("Waiting the training run.", end="") while status in ["Running", "Requested"]: sleep(30) print(".", end="", flush=True) response = run.get_status() status = response["Status"] if status == "Failed": logger.error(response["Message"]) raise ExecutionError("Training execution failed") else: return run
[docs] def get_training_execution( self, exec_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> NeomarilTrainingExecution: """ Get a execution instace. Arguments --------- exec_id : str, optional Execution id. If not informed we get the last execution. Returns ------- NeomarilExecution The choosen execution """ if not exec_id: self.__refresh_execution_list()"Execution id not informed. Getting last execution") exec_id = max(self.executions) try: int(exec_id) except: InputError( "Unvalid execution Id informed or this training dont have a successful execution yet." ) exec = NeomarilTrainingExecution( training_id=self.training_id,, exec_id=exec_id, login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1], url=self.base_url, ) exec.get_status() return exec
[docs] def get_all_training_executions(self) -> List[NeomarilTrainingExecution]: """ Get all executions from that experiment. Returns ------- List[NeomarilExecution] All executions from that training """ self.__refresh_execution_list() return [self.get_training_execution(e) for e in self.executions]
[docs] @contextmanager def log_train( self, *, name, X_train, y_train, description: Optional[str] = None, save_path: Optional[str] = None, ): try: self.trainer = NeomarilTrainingLogger( name=name, X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, description=description, save_path=save_path, ) yield self.trainer finally: self.trainer._processing_logging_inputs() self.run_training(, description=self.trainer.description, training_type="External", python_version=self.trainer.python_version, requirements_file=self.trainer.requirements, extra_files=self.trainer.extras, X_train=self.trainer.X_train, y_train=self.trainer.y_train, model_outputs=self.trainer.model_outputs, model_file=self.trainer.model, model_metrics=self.trainer.metrics, model_params=self.trainer.params, )
[docs]class NeomarilTrainingClient(BaseNeomarilClient): """ Class for client for acessing Neomaril and manage models Attributes ---------- login : str Login for authenticating with the client. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_USER to set this password : str Password for authenticating with the client. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_PASSWORD to set this url : str URL to Neomaril Server. Default value is, use it to test your deployment first before changing to production. You can also use the env variable NEOMARIL_URL to set this Raises ------ AuthenticationError Unvalid credentials ServerError Server unavailable Example ------- .. code-block:: python from import NeomarilTrainingClient client = NeomarilTrainingClient('123456') client.create_group('ex_group', 'Group for example purpose') training = client.create_training_experiment('Training example', 'Classification', 'Custom', 'ex_group') print(client.get_training(training.training_id, 'ex_group').training_data) """ def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'API version {self.version} - NeomarilTrainingClient(url="{self.base_url}", Token="{self.user_token}")' def __str__(self): return f"NEOMARIL {self.base_url} Training client:{self.user_token}"
[docs] def get_training( self, *, training_id: str, group: str = "datarisk" ) -> NeomarilTrainingExperiment: """ Acess a model using its id Arguments --------- training_id : str Training id (hash) that needs to be acessed group : str Group the model is inserted. Default is 'datarisk' (public group) Raises ------ TrainingError Model unavailable ServerError Unknown return from server Returns ------- NeomarilTrainingExperiment A NeomarilTrainingExperiment instance with the training hash from `training_id` Example ------- >>> training = get_training('Tfb3274827a24dc39d5b78603f348aee8d3dbfe791574dc4a6681a7e2a6622fa') """ return NeomarilTrainingExperiment( training_id=training_id, login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1], group=group, url=self.base_url, )
def __get_repeated_thash(self, model_type: str, experiment_name: str, group: str) -> str | None: """Look for a previous train experiment. Args: experiment_name (str): name given to the training, should be not null, case-sensitive, have between 3 and 32 characters, that could be alphanumeric including accentuation (for example: 'é', à', 'ç','ñ') and space, without blank spaces and special characters model_type (str): type of the model being trained. It can be Classification: for ML algorithms related to classification (predicts discrete class labels) problems; Regression: the ones that will use regression (predict a continuous quantity) algorithms; Unsupervised: for training that will use ML algorithms without supervision. group (str): name of the group, previous created, where the training will be inserted Raises: InputError: some part of the data is incorrect AuthenticationError: user has insufficient permissions ServerError: server is not available Exception: generated exception in case of the response to the request is different than 201 Returns: str | None: THash if it is found, otherwise, None is returned """ url = f"{self.base_url}/training/search" response = requests.get( url, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) if response.status_code == 400: logger.error(response.text) raise InputError("Bad Input") if response.status_code == 401: logger.error(response.text) raise AuthenticationError("Login not authorized") if response.status_code >= 500: logger.error(response.text) raise ServerError("Server Error") if response.status_code != 200: logger.error(response.text) raise Exception("Unexpected error!") results = response.json().get("Results") for result in results: condition = ( result["ExperimentName"] == experiment_name and result["GroupName"] == group and result["ModelType"] == model_type ) if condition:"Found experiment with same attributes...") return result["TrainingHash"] def __create(self, experiment_name: str, model_type: str, group: str) -> str: """Creates a train experiment. A train experiment can aggregate multiple training runs (also called executions). Each execution can eventually become a deployed model or not. Args: experiment_name (str): name given to the training, should be not null, case-sensitive, have between 3 and 32 characters, that could be alphanumeric including accentuation (for example: 'é', à', 'ç','ñ') and space, without blank spaces and special characters model_type (str): type of the model being trained. It can be Classification: for ML algorithms related to classification (predicts discrete class labels) problems; Regression: the ones that will use regression (predict a continuous quantity) algorithms; Unsupervised: for training that will use ML algorithms without supervision. group (str): name of the group, previous created, where the training will be inserted Raises: InputError: some part of the data is incorrect AuthenticationError: user has insufficient permissions ServerError: server is not available Exception: generated exception in case of the response to the request is different than 201 Returns: str: training hash of the experiment """ url = f"{self.base_url}/training/register/{group}" data = {"experiment_name": experiment_name, "model_type": model_type} response = url, data=data, headers={ "Authorization": "Bearer " + refresh_token(*self.credentials, self.base_url) }, ) if response.status_code == 400: logger.error(response.text) raise InputError("Bad Input") if response.status_code == 401: logger.error(response.text) raise AuthenticationError("Login not authorized") if response.status_code >= 500: logger.error(response.text) raise ServerError("Server Error") if response.status_code != 201: logger.error(response.text) raise Exception("Unexpected error!") response_data = response.json()["Message"]) training_id = response_data["TrainingHash"] return training_id
[docs] def create_training_experiment( self, *, experiment_name: str, model_type: str, group: str = "datarisk", force: bool = False ) -> NeomarilTrainingExperiment: """ Create a new training experiment on Neomaril. Arguments --------- experiment_name : str The name of the experiment, in less than 32 characters model_type : str The name of the scoring function inside the source file. group : str Group the model is inserted. Default to 'datarisk' (public group) force: bool Forces to create a new training with the same model_type, experiment_name, group Raises ------ InputError Some input parameters its invalid ServerError Unknow internal server error Returns ------- NeomarilTrainingExperiment A NeomarilTrainingExperiment instance with the training hash from `training_id` Example ------- >>> training = client.create_training_experiment('Training example', 'Classification', 'ex_group') """ if group: group = ( group.lower() .strip() .replace(" ", "_") .replace(".", "_") .replace("-", "_") ) groups = [g.get("Name") for g in self.list_groups()] if group not in groups: raise GroupError("Group dont exist. Create a group first.") else: group = "datarisk""Group not informed, using default 'datarisk' group") if model_type not in ["Classification", "Regression", "Unsupervised"]: raise InputError( f"Invalid model_type {model_type}. Should be one of the following: Classification, Regression or " f"Unsupervised" )"Trying to load experiment...") training_id = self.__get_repeated_thash(model_type=model_type, experiment_name=experiment_name, group=group) if force or training_id is None: msg = ("The experiment you're creating has identical name, group, and model type attributes to an existing one. " + "Since forced creation is active, we will continue with the process as specified" if force else "Could not find experiment. Creating a new one...") training_id = self.__create(experiment_name=experiment_name, model_type=model_type, group=group) return NeomarilTrainingExperiment( training_id=training_id, login=self.credentials[0], password=self.credentials[1], group=group, url=self.base_url, )